Facebook ads agency Manchester

Facebook Ads Agency Manchester

Looking to take your brand to the next level? We will ensure that potential customers find you and convert… and Facebook ads is one of the best ways to do that.

Your Growth Partner

Amore Digital is a PPC and paid social agency based in the North West. We create Facebook Ad campaigns that are proven to put you in an advantage over your competitors and deliver results.

We've Grown Manchester Brands

Authenticity is key on Facebook, with over 1.6 billion people connected to small business in the network. Amore Digital will help break into this market with highly effective targeting and messaging which match your business objectives.

There’s no business or website too big or too small for us either, as we have worked with one-man bands and blue-chip companies.

We’re also based in Spaces near Manchester Oxford Road, so if you wanted to grab a coffee and chat over your campaign, we’re all ears.

Weatherbeeta Case Study

Utterly Printable Case Study

Osprey London Case Study

Our Approach

We can optimise your business with our 5 step approach that is guaranteed to show results.

1. Discovery Call

It all starts with booking your discovery call. This will allow you to talk to experts who specialise in paid search and social. This will allow you and us to understand what needs to be done in order to achieve success.

2. Audience Research

We’ll continually be finding new profitable and relevant audiences to implement into your campaigns to ensure you are expanding market research. Our process will also ensure you are not bidding against terms or audiences that are wasting your business money. 

3. Keyword Research & Creating Structure

We will then provide keywords that are profitable and relevant and implement these into a google ads campaign to ensure you are getting maximum reach. Our process allows us to ensure you are not bidding against keywords that will waste your money.

4. Writing Affective Ad Copy

We ensure your ad copy is professional and reflects your products and services in a way that will deliver results. In the past, we’ve helped business achieve click-through rates of 5-10% in extremely competitive industries. We get your audience clicking and converting.

5. Optimising & Updates

Once your campaigns are up and running, we complete regular updates and ensure to optimise the campaigns each week to ensure you are getting the best results. This is completed through analysing the data, audiences, time of day and device analytics.

Multi-Channel Advertising

As a business, sometimes it’s best to put all of your budget into one channel and get it working, other times it’s good to test. Amore Digital advises which channels are likely to be most effective, and where you may be missing opportunities to acquire customers profitability.

Facebook Advertising

Authenticity is key on Facebook, with over 1.6 billion people connected to small business on the network. Amore Digital will help break into this market with highly effective targeting and messaging which match your business objectives.


Twitter Advertising

Expand your influence and connect with new audiences using Twitter ads. We will help ampify your message across to the people who matter most, your customers. Your business goals, be it driving traffic or building an audience will be our top priority.

Instagram Advertising

Instagram offers a wide range of advertising solutions which we use for Paid Social. From story, photo and video ads available to promote with, to carousels and collections. With the new inclusion of sales within Instagram, there is a huge future in Paid Social.

LinkedIn Advertising

It couldn’t be easier to get your campaign launched on LinkedIn. With a unique campaign manager, we can manage your unique brand campaigns through Sponsored Content, Sponsored InMail and Text Ads.

TikTok Advertising

TikTok provides advertising options for every business regardless of size. It allows you to target specific audiences tailored to your business goals and reach customers that are likely to engage with your business.

Reasons you should book a time to chat


Certain brands perform better across Google Ads than others. Some brands that that are well suited tend to have:

  • Wide Product / Service Range – So we can test different categories.
  • Bottom of funnel searches – Someone who may have a need for the product/service now.
  • Higher Margin / Cost per Lead Allowance – 40%+ means more room to test, although we have got lower margin businesses to work.
  • Strong USPs – A strong unique selling point means it’s easier for us to sell your business and ultimately get the clicks to the site. 

We can take a honest and no obligation look at your current Facebook Ads performance. This will include aspects such as looking at your ad copy, campaign structure, audience lists, and if you are missing any obvious settings in your campaign.

We have a proven onboarding process we use for businesses that contact us. These are:

  1. Book a discovery call to discuss your goals.
  2. Run a health check / complete audience research.
  3. Campaign setup and diagnosis.
  4. Campaign management with the aim of improving the profit of the account.

We offer something called a pricing matrix, this means it’s based on channel and spend, and means you have the room to grow and we have ample time to work on the account … win-win. 

We have benchmarked our prices versus competitors and we are extremely competitive. Although we do hope you are choosing us based on value / skillset.

To get bespoke pricing for your brand, book a discovery call. 

For most brands starting out £1k – £2k per month is an okay starting point depending on what industry you’re in and your cost per click, if you have more then great as it means more data for us to work with. If you’re just starting out, speak to us an we’ll quickly help you find our your cost per click.

Generally we like to work on the basis of an initial 3 month agreement then just a monthly rolling one after that. Generally 3 months if a good benchmark to see whether a brand is in a good position to grow from Google Ads. Our monthly reports will showcase where you’re at and what our plans are to get you there.