eCommerce SEO Agency

Your Boutique eCommerce SEO Agency

Get your eCom SEO Proposal

Organic search is a staple channel to many ecommerce retailers. Being able to drive ongoing SEO traffic to your key category and product pages is what we’re best at, and we have a process in place especially for ecommerce brands.

Our SEO management starts with an initial intro call, then a custom proposal full of insight into exactly what we’re going to do to drive ROI every month and what current opportunities you have around quick wins. So if you’re searching for an expert to manage your account and guide you through this process, simply fill out the form below and we will get in touch asap. 

eCommerce SEO Experts

Keyword Research & Strategy
Solid in depth keyword research sets the foundation for your whole SEO strategy. After conducting keyword research we always like to share these insights, and ensure you are involved in the process, as no doubt you’ll have a nuanced take on your niche that will help craft the plan.
What is our approach towards keyword research? 
  • Ask you for a breakdown of your core keywords, and what you need to be visible for.
  • Assess what keywords you are already ranking for so we can benchmark.
  • Review competitors to see what ‘content gaps‘ you have and where you need to add pages.
  • Compile data from research tools to see what the highest commercial impact keywords you ‘should‘ be ranking for.
On-Page Optimisation
On Page optimisation is often drastically overlooked and can often move the needle for a lot of ecommerce brands. By getting all the on page aspects of your website right, you ensure you’re in a good place to grow your site traffic. The focus of this work is to send positive signals to Google around your site relevance for your industry.

What is our approach to on-page optimisation?

  • Review your current content mix, and see if there are opportunities to add or update existing content.
  • Determine if your meta titles (the titles users see in search) need updating to boost click throughs and traffic.
  • See if there are any ‘hidden’ technical aspects holding your site back i.e. links that don’t work, redirects or issues with the mobile site.
Content Creation & Marketing
Quality content alongside link building are two of the core factors of a high ranking, high traffic website. By having quality content on your site you firstly send a signal to Google that your site deserves authority in your niche, and you give yourself more chances to rank for more terms.

What is our approach to content creation?

  • Review your current content mix, and see if there are opportunities to add or update existing content.
  • Work with yourself to improve & update the core ‘money’ pages that often tend to be the category and product pages.
  • Create pages that assist the customers buying journey with quality buying guides and content your customers are searching for.
High Authority Relevant Link Outreach
Link building is still an extremely important part of driving SEO traffic to a website. How come? Simply because each relevant link you get from other sites is classed as a ‘vote’ of confidence from Google. This means more links from other sites means Google sees you as more trustworthy and authoritative. Any good SEO agency you speak to will mention how they plan to undertake link building in the initial proposal, which is exactly what we do … 

What is our approach to link building?

  • Firstly we’ll benchmark where you currently are. Seeing what your domain authority is vs competitors.
  • Review competitors to see where they are getting their traffic, what their top pages are and where you can beat them.
  • Generate ideas that will not only attract links, but also look for relevant sites we can partner with.
Competitor Research
Although you should focus on your own business goals and where you want to end up, we can review your current performance against competitors. If they’re ranking for terms you’re not we’ll let you know, if they have pages getting a lot of traffic and you could do the same … we’ll let you know.

What is our approach to competitor research?

  • You’ll let us know who your top competitors are. We’ll tell you who you’re actually competing with.
  • We’ll then analyse how much traffic they’re getting, and how you compare. 
  • You’ll get a breakdown of your top opportunities and what the quick wins are to capitalise on. 
  • Simply fill out our form on this page, and we’ll get the ball rolling …

Why Choose Amore Digital?

Seen Multiple Accounts

With over 10 years experience, this means we've seen a lot of different approaches to ecommerce SEO. We know what works, we know what doesn't work. This experience can save you hours of time and money.

Boutique Offering

Small enough to care and flexible enough to grow. By working with us you get a dedicated, personable offering that can simply plug into your business as experts in SEO and take this complex world off your shoulders without costing the earth.

eCommerce Experts

Currently the majority of our client base are Shopify or Magento brands, and have been for the past few years. We started in house at some of the biggest fashion brands in the UK and love ecommerce. We know how SEO works in this space. We have spoken at events, ran training sessions and have a good reputation in the industry.

Proud to have got results for ...

e-commerce case study

After working on the campaigns for a few months, this brand went from doing around £60K per month in rev from Google to over £180k. With Google Shopping being in a great position to grow further. 

Revenue grew to £180k per month from £60k

Successful expansion into US market

Split out sub categories = quicker decisions

Who Will You Be Speaking To?

Who prepped this?

My name is Ted Parry and have over 10+ years of experience and a track record of helping e-commerce businesses.

I’ve helped e-commerce brands such as Weatherbeeta, Utterly Printable, Osprey London and more get better results from their marketing. I love speaking to new ecom business owners about their challenges and providing solutions. 

Simply fill in your details below inc your website, name, email address and we’ll get back in touch asap.